Goodbyes and Alienation
My sister was inconsolably miserable about her best freind leaving yesterday. She was all red eyed and crimson nosed and wouldn't have me hug her as it wouldn't ameliorate the agony. The strangest thing is she isn't a sentimental one. Infact, she claims that people don't affect her- she is content, infact rather complacent in her world of music and books (she was born with wires in her ears is the joke that goes around). Anyway, he seems to have become an integeral part of her world, and he's leaving for good. I guess deep inside we are all vulnerable. She's perhaps choosy about the people who can hurt her so.
It has been the season of endings for me too. I'm done with the M.A. program in JNU. I hate goodbyes like everybody does and so I havent given separation from my little family that is CESP the slightest thought. We will meet again, its not the end. But it will never be the same again. Maybe it still hasn't hit me, maybe I still haven't realized how final it is, maybe my condition is better than my sister's because we are all moving on, "its easy to leave than to be left behind". I will however, not indulge in an exercise that recounts all memories and experiences in the past two years. More than being beautiful, it will be unbearable.
Other mundane news: Construction activity going on at home which means i stay confined in my room whenever I am at home. Although I have gotten used to the constant drilling and hammering down of walls (white noise is what it has become), the dust that chokes my throat, the rubble i have to walk through to make my way to my room; I still have to come to terms with the laughing, badinage, cursing and constant chatter amongst the labourers which becomes even louder when I am around. I am convinced its an alienation exercise. I tried to to fit in once. I noticed a youngish girl who was helping with the cement layering. Concerened about her education and in an attempt to try to make conversation and break the ice with the invaders, I asked her whether she goes to school. "Mistri banna chahti hoon" angry eyes flashed back at me. "Kyoon mistri", she shouted at a man laying down the beams, "Meri labour banoge?" Laughter filled the room. Its her territory and I'm uninvited.
I was supposed to write a post in reply to A's question about how power dynamics is overcome in village level decision making. It would draw from the lessons learnt from my Unicef internship wherein my team and I eavluated a community based monitoring intervention. He also wants to know whether a similar mechainsm can be used to deal with the asymmetries so called multilateralism is replete with. Next time, I promise.
It has been the season of endings for me too. I'm done with the M.A. program in JNU. I hate goodbyes like everybody does and so I havent given separation from my little family that is CESP the slightest thought. We will meet again, its not the end. But it will never be the same again. Maybe it still hasn't hit me, maybe I still haven't realized how final it is, maybe my condition is better than my sister's because we are all moving on, "its easy to leave than to be left behind". I will however, not indulge in an exercise that recounts all memories and experiences in the past two years. More than being beautiful, it will be unbearable.
Other mundane news: Construction activity going on at home which means i stay confined in my room whenever I am at home. Although I have gotten used to the constant drilling and hammering down of walls (white noise is what it has become), the dust that chokes my throat, the rubble i have to walk through to make my way to my room; I still have to come to terms with the laughing, badinage, cursing and constant chatter amongst the labourers which becomes even louder when I am around. I am convinced its an alienation exercise. I tried to to fit in once. I noticed a youngish girl who was helping with the cement layering. Concerened about her education and in an attempt to try to make conversation and break the ice with the invaders, I asked her whether she goes to school. "Mistri banna chahti hoon" angry eyes flashed back at me. "Kyoon mistri", she shouted at a man laying down the beams, "Meri labour banoge?" Laughter filled the room. Its her territory and I'm uninvited.
I was supposed to write a post in reply to A's question about how power dynamics is overcome in village level decision making. It would draw from the lessons learnt from my Unicef internship wherein my team and I eavluated a community based monitoring intervention. He also wants to know whether a similar mechainsm can be used to deal with the asymmetries so called multilateralism is replete with. Next time, I promise.
At 9:19 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
congrats on completing your MA...i too gave my farewell a miss to avoid being ovewhelmed by nostalgia and a certain parting that was never going to be a parting even if i was there...can it get more complicated....
Krishnamurthy and his talks on the how the past interferes with the present and blah blah blah...may give us some intellectual satisfaction but emotions are knitted in its own mysterious ways
enough for gyan...wish you the best for the days ahead
At 12:00 PM,
Jalap. said…
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At 10:13 AM,
clueless comrades said…
Do whatever, always hurts just that little bit..
At 5:26 AM,
shruti said…
thinley: yeah, skipping farewells makes sense. these days are infested with so much ambiguty. really dont know where to move ahead.
jalap: the post was essentially meant to get the message across. rest of it was inconsequential. playing the role of a facilitator.
D: yeah.
At 10:27 AM,
Jalap. said…
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At 2:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
@shruti - u write well. 1 of the nicest blogs I have seen. keep it up.
@jalap - u replied as if you were da person her sister was inconsolable abt. if yes, very beautiful.
u write well urself 2. i read quite a bit widout rlly getting ur pt.
At 3:17 AM,
shruti said…
anon: thank you! :)
jalap: wonder why u deleted that comment
At 8:54 AM,
Jalap. said…
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At 3:05 AM,
Unknown said…
Neha was born with wires in her ears and a Public Address System in her mouth... :P
Why must u feel that u walk away from something when u can walk to something...i wonder...
Dont get so nostalgic and guilt something...accept the consequences...enjoy the rewards...move on....reminisce regularly the times that were every alt day at nite for 15 mins and be at peace with urself...
*knock knock !*
p.s.: taats hw i survive newayz.
At 5:41 AM,
shruti said…
sarang: i'm not quite sure whether neha would appreciate that. a nice mechanism you have developed there. its just a little different with me.
At 1:01 PM,
Jalap. said…
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At 1:42 PM,
Jalap. said…
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