Of Economists and Sense of Humour
Before I pack my readings for this semester and leave them on some shelf to gather dust in the faint hope that they may be picked up again someday for providing further enlightenment, I want to quote Mr. Solow, whose arguments I had to critically examine in my examination today.
In the chapter Circumstantial Evidence of his book, The Labour Market as a Social Institution, Robert M. Solow writes:
"I want to sidle up to my subject indirectly by first saying something about the relationship of academic scholarship to common sense. On the whole, scholars enjoy confuting common sense. They like to show that what "everyone thinks" is all wrong. We all take obvious pleasure in creating a sensation by nonplussing the conventional wisdom. It feeds our sense of doing something of value. You can see this happening in subjects as diverse as history and astronomy. There is particular pleasure in demonstrating that Thomas Jefferson was not a virtuous man, or that there are objects, like black holes, with amazing properties. So also in economics."
Another chapter in JNU comes to a close.
In the chapter Circumstantial Evidence of his book, The Labour Market as a Social Institution, Robert M. Solow writes:
"I want to sidle up to my subject indirectly by first saying something about the relationship of academic scholarship to common sense. On the whole, scholars enjoy confuting common sense. They like to show that what "everyone thinks" is all wrong. We all take obvious pleasure in creating a sensation by nonplussing the conventional wisdom. It feeds our sense of doing something of value. You can see this happening in subjects as diverse as history and astronomy. There is particular pleasure in demonstrating that Thomas Jefferson was not a virtuous man, or that there are objects, like black holes, with amazing properties. So also in economics."
Another chapter in JNU comes to a close.
At 7:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
well i win!!!! i have already started the packing process...plan not to see these readings ever again...well Solow is an interesting economist look at his name it makes sense in english as well as in hindi"so" "low" to "so" "low" meaning very low in english and go to sleep in hindi...both befit you i think...you are really intelligent in choosing this economist...
what an hypocrite he is he wants to "sidle up his subject indirectly" tell me one economist who ever did it directly...???? sheepishly he has kept economics totally aloof from history and astronomy ...interesting inst it...so that disinterested readers like me might just skip reading in between and end up missing economics from the list et all.....he he ;-)
At 9:49 AM,
shruti said…
hahaha...its nice to have u back prakhar!!
At 2:04 AM,
clueless comrades said…
Good girl!
U'll probably look at them again when ure 30 and on ure way to ure 2nd Phd..
At 4:06 AM,
shruti said…
second phd!! u really want me dead don't u?
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here starts the debate on the efficiency of govt. employees and corporate employees. Make comments
At 5:38 AM,
shruti said…
anon: haha...now where did that conme from?
At 12:48 PM,
Unknown said…
If someone has the audacity of making Solow look "so low", I guess I am condoned for the name calling of the worthless idiots back in JNU. Thank u prakhar, u just made me feel better about myself
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