another layer of skin has grown over night, her knuckles are a little wobbly and her face seems swollen. worst of all the words seem to have gotten locked in. it will take longer for the right one to show up so she'll have to make do with little communication or coming across as a complete idiot. gauche could be the word of the day. the right person could make the difference, but he/she seems to exist in another world altogether. no healing by way of conversation. getting out however, is extremely necessary. 'outside' could keep her occupied, take her mind off fragmentary thought, she could borrow from the restlessness of the streets and markets and indulge in activity.
she rememebers it helped at other times.
she rememebers it helped at other times.
At 3:53 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
thats a nice piece of writing...borrow restlessness from the streets is a delicious phrase :-) yes the right one is always elusive, because perhaps our definition of right is itself elusive:-)
At 3:54 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
keep writing...make those posts a little longer and youll be on your way to a novella perhaps......:-)
At 4:50 AM,
shruti said…
haha...i'm quite far from that novella yet...thanks for the encouragement though! :)
i guess i'm learning...
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe you just dont understand 'her'.
At 4:28 AM,
shruti said…
anon: that's the problem! understanding 'her' will take me a step closer to Self Realization!
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
And whomsoever said that was even tad bit of a problem. maybe it is just absolutely brlliant to know yourself better. helps in adhering to all facets ad facts of life. Realizing what is there but cannot be seen. Excuse me for being a bit off-it right now. Its Sunday.
So far as self realization equals self expectation, its all fits in sweetly, dont it?
At 12:43 AM,
shruti said…
u didnt understand...i was trying to say that 'not understanding her' was the problem...Self Realization is desirable...
At 6:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
"she rememebers it helped at other times."
There you go.
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