a strange notion exists in some minds: people who think, analyze and try to infer from whatever they hear or see are not 'simple'...they are just clever, conniving, malicious and waiting to take advantage of those around them...
its strange...'simple' people have the licesnse to shout, unleash their fury and blabber out whatever rubbish comes to their mind...because come on...after all they are just being honest and it really doesnt matter if in the process someone gets hurt...if however, any individual who 'thinks' tries to come out in the open about her bitter feelings the intention could have been none other than to offend those around her...it has all been cleverly calculated...
'she thinks therefore she is a b****'
yuck! such a pitiful solace some resort to...
its strange...'simple' people have the licesnse to shout, unleash their fury and blabber out whatever rubbish comes to their mind...because come on...after all they are just being honest and it really doesnt matter if in the process someone gets hurt...if however, any individual who 'thinks' tries to come out in the open about her bitter feelings the intention could have been none other than to offend those around her...it has all been cleverly calculated...
'she thinks therefore she is a b****'
yuck! such a pitiful solace some resort to...
At 1:38 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
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At 1:40 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
A simple person would be lets say the Buddha or Krishnmaurthy who have lived their lives outside the realm of thought...They are the blessed simpletons....Thats my acid test for simplicity :-)
All other forms of simplicity are modes of self pity and conniving...so dont worry :-) Happy Diwali
At 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:09 AM,
shruti said…
thinley: well i agree...and also true is the fact that you have to wade through the turbid waters of fragmentary thought in order to transcend them...
a very happy diwali to you too! :)
mallu: believe it or not...there was this girl who was shocked to know that i played chess...and she said soemthing like: "you dont seem so calculative"...its hilarious!! i believe its just a defense mechanism for those who cant think beyond mundane issues that will translate to some immediate personal gain ;)
At 1:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Who are we bitching about???
btw remember the time we played chess in that school chess competition ? :P....:D
At 5:16 AM,
shruti said…
yeah...that was the last time i played it actually ;)
At 2:14 AM,
fighting destiny.... said…
sometimes u gotta understand what another person is going thru...its not always somebody's fault that they behave in a certain way...
venting out your anger, frustration is important...
since we cant control others, its best to be strong and control our own emotions...
most important in this respect is to not get hurt!
be happy..don't worry..i know its the other way round but according to me being happy is most important!!!
At 1:33 AM,
Unknown said…
At 1:34 AM,
Unknown said…
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