Cogito Ergo Sum

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Jamaican skinned,
long thick lashes between which
the hazel of the eyes peeps through

the angles of your long face
merge into the haze that swallows
all else that is around you...trivialized

watching you in your lazy sway...still unsure
a little shy...looking into the distance,
trying to be discreet,
i shudder.

maybe breakfast from the trees
and honey from the bees
in paradise,
isnt such a good idea

i guess conversation will never happen
left alone you are beautiful...

*the inspiration is not from real life....for all those who might just start wondering..*
its when things matter most that i run away from them...

why this uneasiness?

an iron curtain suddenly falls all around and people around me wonder why i begin to behave so awkwardly...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

As the fog becomes denser and the ambiguity of this process starts taking its toll on me, I always try and indulge in an exercise that requires a dispassionate analysis of my surroundings or the problem at hand.

And thus I disagree with Pirsig (“Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”)

Pirsig divides human understanding in to the classic and the romantic, the former “seeing the world primarily as underlying form itself” and the latter “sees it primarily in terms of immediate appearance.” After reading my blog many have classified me as a romantic.

Perhaps the fact that my poems or some pieces of writing relate to finding my joy in nature and human relationships has caused them to reach such a conclusion.

I however feel such a distinction (or the inference of those who have been reading my blog) is flawed. I believe that we are both classic and romantic according to what the situation demands from us. There are times when we derive great pleasure from the world around just the way it is. There is a beautiful harmony that can be felt without really analyzing all that is happening around us.

At other times we need to delve a little deeper into what the situation has to offer to us. To try and understand what is the significance of something that is seemingly “dull and complex”…to go beyond the veneers and see how understanding a certain mechanism, dull as it may be, enhances our understanding.

So at times I feel that I shouldn’t use my head my too much and just go with the flow…feel the harmony within and without me…

But when this fails to provide the joy or sense of satisfaction I set out to look for, I know its time I scratch on the surface and try to see what the underneath has to offer….