It was a windy enchanting grey that invited me to the window today. It helped me forget a few things that really disturbed me last evening. For only a while that is. Then questions, scenes, words resumed their leaping about in my mind. I struggled with them for a while, gave in, tried to forget, engaged in distracting activity. It grew chillier in the evening. I felt more cheated as each event was replayed. Pathetic, most might think. I do have this stupid tendency to think that the whole world is conniving against me, sometimes.
Nothing is helping and I urgently need to get a lot of things done.
Nothing is helping and I urgently need to get a lot of things done.
At 4:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
don't like such sad posts from u shruut!! i like u smiling always!!
At 3:32 AM,
AJ said…
Salutations!! O Great Gorgeous Depressed one!!!! insti comp doesn't allow scrapping on orkut so i have to resort to sending comments on ur blog to communicate with u....i daren't ask hw u r...judging frm ur blog u r sad as usual...i daren't ask howz ur hot sis...coz..well somethings just aren't in gud taste!!...i do dare to accuse u of not wanting to meet me...but judging by ur intense hatred of arguments it seems to be a rather logical choice...neways if u can reply to ths wit something interesting it will be highly appreciated...if reading it brings a smile to ur face tht will be appreciated too...if ur not smiling by now u can cheer up by digesting my admission tht JNU is a much better place than ISI in terms of teacher quality as well as campus atmosphere...n honestly don't be so sad!! it doesn't suit u!! n neither does tht depressing attitude tht u pour into ur blogs :P...snap out of it for god's sake!!...luv
At 1:30 AM,
Unknown said…
Abhinav! Its been long! Let me begin by responding to what you have said:
1. I'm not generally a sad person. I was depressed this particular day and chose to get rid of my anguish by throwing it all out in the cyber space. Your reference to my sister was indeed not in good taste but I'll let it pass. She's good, pursuing her dream job.
2. Yor accusation is entirely unwarranted. I was genuinely not feeling well the day we had planned to meet up. To tell you the truth I was really looking foward to it! I was all set to take you on in the battlefield. :)
3. Reading your comment made my day! It was made even better by your admission! In all seriousness, ISI will teach you some things which no university in India can offer. Treat it like bitter medicine. It will open a whole lot of options for you.
Now I hope you'll come and meet me soon, till then your comments will do. Much love. :)
At 11:30 PM,
AJ said…
Hey Shruti...tell me something...what do u value more?? pleasure or ethics...i'm kinda confused about something right now
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