moments of unadulterated joy: just gobbled down a huge bar of chocolate mum bought for me! yumm...
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At 12:14 PM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
At 12:15 PM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
At 6:49 AM,
shruti said…
why the silence? did the post not inspire you or is it that you don't like chocolates?
At 10:33 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
will didn't want to adulterate you joy with "words" :-)...
well as for boredom i have assigned medieval poetry to take care of it...reading it makes you feel that real life is so much better :-)
but its sure gonna be better than any economics...even Dornbush and Fischer baffeled u know how dumb i am :-(
anyways shruti...looking forward to your next posts :-)
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:44 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
hey shruti...just to let you know that Krishnamurthy's tapes and CDs are avaliable at the delhi book fair at pragati maidan at their exhibition stall...
At 6:30 AM,
shruti said…
thanks thinley! will check it out after the exams! :)
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