ok so the whole idea of pursuing a phd seems like one big joke. turns out that it demands everything i either dont already have or would never want to get into. a phd in econ means devoting another 5 years of your life to differential equations, real analysis, calculus and all the other conceivable mathematical junk. algebra in economics repulses me...i always skip the mathematical explanations to any argument...i feel they ususally serve the apologetic function when one ceases to make a point. for all those who think they love maths and think that i'm perhaps mathematically challenged- i would urge you to pick up a simple book on mathematical introduction to economics and then let me know how appealing you find it. trust me, i thought i loved maths...but this aint the mathematics u and i would want to be associated with.
the irony is that most solutions to economic problems do not require complex regressional analysis...just plain common sense...why o why are we making this beautiful subject an increasingly isolated discipline...
so i don't know where to go again...i dont want to get me a feelingless 9-10 corporate job and now this seems like a bigger nightmare!
the irony is that most solutions to economic problems do not require complex regressional analysis...just plain common sense...why o why are we making this beautiful subject an increasingly isolated discipline...
so i don't know where to go again...i dont want to get me a feelingless 9-10 corporate job and now this seems like a bigger nightmare!
At 11:55 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
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At 11:58 AM,
JuSt AnoThEr FaCe In ThE CrOwD said…
phd in eco...a good friend of mine is doing it from virginia...he left his corporate job..found it meaningless...so he choose the more difficult path...
numbers numb me too...reminds me that "if you torture them too much they'll confess (the way you want them to)" ...(apologies to all eco grads working on nXn dimension matrices and god knows all that stuff)....that pretty much sums it ...
yes krishnamurthy is brilliant...have you heard his tapes???...serves the death nail to all dogmatic idealism...but sometimes i find his sermons (he would hate that word) a bit too subtle...phrases like "choiceless awareness"..."dying to the past"...
easy to understand and intecualise but so difficult to internalsie
well maybe with time we will get there...at the moment its only with the book or the tape in front...
hey now thats a lot of litter i have made here...interesting blog...regards
11:55 AM
At 12:33 AM,
shruti said…
thinley: well econ maths is the worst breed ever...extrememly stubborn...dont think they'll yield to you despite much torture..
about krishnamurthy...i based my opinion on his book "krishnamurthy's journal"...isnt infested with any philosophical jargon...will have to get hold of the tapes maybe...
and...i love looong comments!! pleasase keep em coming! should see u around more often ;)
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
well.....all i can say is i second ur opinion!!i luv maths too......but barely managed to clear mathematical economics.....in my grad n even in my post-grad!!
At 12:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:59 AM,
shruti said…
anon: i'm so glad u said that...some so called friends have already started misinterpreting my honest piece of writing...
mallu: goli maro yaar choice ko! i'm sick of this decision making job! methinks i'm happier if everything has been laid out for me and i just have to walk through and comment bout whats happening and how i feel :P
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